Fotograf Magazine

Václav Kopecký

The Horizons of Analogue Photography

Last year’s theme-based issue of Critical Inquiry magazine – one of the outcomes of a three-year research project entitled “Aesthetics after Photography” – explored various issues of photography and art from the 1960s until the present.[ref]Diarmud Costello / Margaret Iversen / Joel Snyder (eds.), “Agency and Automatism: Photography as Art Since the Sixties”, Critical Inquiry, vol. 38, no. 4, Summer 2012.[/ref] In her article Analogue: On Zoe Leonard and Tacita Dean[ref]Margaret Iversen, “Analogue: On Zoe Leonard and Tacita Dean”, Critical Inquiry, vol. 38, no. 4, summer 2012, pp. 796–818.[/ref] Margaret Iversen discusses how following the advent of digital photography, analogue photography again became relevant.
She explains the re-awakening of interest in analogue photography on the part of artists as a response to the rise of digital technology. At a time when there is essentially no reason for using analogue photography in everyday practice, and when the difference between technologies has no significant impact on the practical aspect of things, analogue photography is gaining significance as an artistic device.

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#21 On Photography