Fotograf Magazine

Johana Střížková


Photographs on blogs, in cooking magazines or in cookbooks are meant to entice us. Buy me, cook me, eat me! But before that, arrange me and take a picture – show off how tasty it looks. We create new rituals and traditions around food – and we often don’t need a fellow diner to do so, just a camera. Johana Střížková, who has many years of experience with arranging and photographing food, shows us the intimacy of eating through the arrangement of everyday meals in a detailed fragility. Subtlety and absurdity meet – which totems do we build and which do we tear down with gusto? What position do “traditional dishes”, often scorned as unhealthy for both us and the planet, hold in the boundless supply of a globalized world? Where does food-related consumerism begin and end? Isn’t the visuality of the uneaten more important to us than the actual and necessary digestion?

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#42 food


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