Fotograf Magazine

Behind the stage

#25 Popular Music — Behind the stage

Dušan Tománek

I first met Dušan on the occasion of the exhibition The Blind Leading the Blind at Galerie Rudolfinum in Prague. The graphic designer on the project Robert V. Novák and I both wanted the accompanying catalogue to capture as closely as possible the installation of the works by Jake and Dinos Chapman…

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#25 Popular Music — Behind the stage

Radek Brousil

Unlike a tripod, man has only two feet. And even a photographer, being human, must make do with those. The photographer operates in a regime of relative corporeal stability, unless they are sick, for example, or under the influence of drugs, meaning that they should be able to balance on two feet, with the help of the fine balancing of the vertically-oriented torso, stabilizing one’s center of gravity within space…

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#25 Popular Music — Behind the stage

Christian Patterson

Earworm – a song or melody that burrows into the brain, rests there, and offers itself up repeatedly over time without conscious summoning. I do not know of a word to describe the visual equivalent that I certainly experience, when a picture nestles in and returns unannounced at later intervals…

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#25 Popular Music — Behind the stage

Michael Schmelling

The most intriguing aspect of the work of Michael Schmelling is definitely his ability to stand on intersections. It is not important whether this is a consequence or the reason that he is (or was) simultaneously a photojournalist, artist, designer and editor associated with the intellectual and tenderly ironic American photobook scene as well as music magazines…

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#25 Popular Music — Behind the stage

Andrew Thomas Huang

Andrew Thomas Huang is able to connect the world of the imagination with the contemporary possibilities offered by digital technology through video art, which has attracted the interest of several major personalities in the world of film and music…

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#25 Popular Music — Behind the stage

Jason Evans

“I enjoy the mysterious way an image can look as the music it accompanies sounds, and vice versa,” says the UK photographer Jason Evans. Looking at the record sleeves and booklets he has created in a more than seventeen year-long collaboration with the musician Kieran Hebden, the balance between visuality and music is evident…

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#25 Popular Music — Backstage

Petr Hlaváček

At gigs, you will mostly spot him hanging out in the corner, away from the stage. Wearing a dark bobble hat, his point-and-shoot camera hangs around his neck, or stays hidden in the breast pocket of his shirt…

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#25 Popular Music — Backstage

Václav Tvarůžka

Ok, you know how it is. At last you have made up your mind that you don’t want to just listen to music, the love of your life, but want to make it, too. Most of you know, through first-hand experience or from friends, how much pain, time, nerves and other things separate this moment of realization from the moment you and your pals in the band gain the confidence that whatever you were just fiddling, hobbling and tinkering with in the rehearsal room isn’t merely a straightforward embarrassment and that it might actually be cool to finally experience the feeling you have so far just observed with performing bands you like…

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