#34 archaeology of euphoria — Editorial

Society is standing at a threshold. At the threshold of what, however, is something no one knows for sure – some adhere to the technocratic interpretation of the digital revolution and its global consequences, others look for their own rendering of the situation and become aware of deeper spiritual values, and yet another group considers a combination of both or the transformation of these energies into an engaged approach and are motivated to initiate a change of the existing rules for the better…
Read moreThe new issue of the magazine raises the question whether all the
underpaid work/non-work was worth it? We have often thought that the
right approach to the issue of “non-work” would be to do nothing – to
simply obey the utopian suggestions of Guy Debord, a representative of
the Situationist International, or the old robber from the fairy tale about
Ruffiano and Sweeteeth, and just never work…
The theme of the body and corporeality has been in photography since the very beginning. But it does not include only the classic and much- repeated act, already exhausted in its commercial or usual academic forms…
Read moreVážení čtenáři, předkládáme vám číslo věnované erotice ve fotografii. Ve svém posledním úvodníku jsem zaměnil omylem Erotikon za Satirikon, film od Felliniho. V mé mysli byl Satirikon natolik propojen s poživačnou erotikou starého Říma, jejímž zobrazením Fellini nešetří, že mě to snad může poněkud omluvit…
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