Fotograf Magazine


#35 living with humans — Discoveries

Alice dos Reis

Alice dos Reis is an artist based between Amsterdam and Lisbon working with film, text and sculpture. Her work looks at encounters between human and more-than-human agents in biopolitical systems. She has presented her work in several solo and group exhibitions, namely MAAT Museum (Lisbon), EYE Film Museum (Amsterdam), Lo schermo dell’arte Film Festival (Florence), Seventh Gallery (Melbourne), San Seriffe (Amsterdam) and Lehmann + Silva (Porto)…

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#34 archaeology of euphoria — Discoveries

Gigi Cifali

The photography series “Images and Signs: Italy, 1969-89. Practices of Memory” by Gigi Cifali reflects on the mechanisms that regulate the transmission of Italian collective memory of the recent historic period known as the Years of Lead, still marked by concealed truths and therefore bereft of a socially legitimized representation…

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#33 investigation — Discoveries

Petr Strouhal

Petr Strouhal is a remarkable phenomenon in contemporary Czech photography. In his small home studio, he patiently experiments with the possibilities of the analogue camera with an embedded digital scanner…

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#33 investigation — Discoveries

John Paul Evans

The dictum “an Englishman’s home is his castle”, was initially a legal concept, but one that has evolved over time to articulate an idea of personal domain. The question of who is allowed to occupy the family dominion is reaffirmed through photographic representation in depicting couples who conform to societal ‘norms’…

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#31 body — Discoveries

Sasha Kurmaz

In this flow of images I want to show the different episodes of my personal life in which I fix my gaze on the situations, objects and events that are  important to me, that transmit and shape my sense of reality…

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#31 body — Discoveries

Lenka Glisníková

I have abstracted the concrete movements we do when working with the
cyber interface every day and created a series of videos capturing this
kind of finger-tutting. Work with modern technologies determines new
ways of thinking, communication, and the work itself…

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#31 body — Discoveries

Tereza Bonaventurová

An oven mitt, a pedestal, a marshmallow, and an egomaniac are the
elements with which Tereza Bonaventurová works in her series Decent
Deviation. Whilst in her other works, her primary focus is on reflections
about public space, bizarre situations in architecture and urban planning, or
the alternative depiction of vulgarised tourist destinations, in the mentioned
Decent Deviation (2014), although it is also close to photographic
minimalism, her impersonal perspective and subtle humour appear in
a different form…

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#31 body — Discoveries

Zuzana Pustaiová

The plastic surgery, the street and illegals doctors are still ongoing trend at present. A people without money go to the unofficial doctors and take it illegal surgery for less money. At the end their desire for the ideal body and the beauty brings to them destroyed body and life sometimes directed to death…

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#30 Eye In The Sky — Discoveries

Zuzana Fedorová

My artist’s book Treasure in the Background is a small revolt against
commercial product photography. My aim was to look for everyday
objects and inspect their function and position in relation to their

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#30 Eye In The Sky — Discoveries

Viacheslav Poliakov

This story is about those of us for whom life just happens. It t akes place
when the connection between cause and consequence is no longer
coherent. I am documentating a naive visual subculture of a public
space, which has become wide spread throughout Ukraine which
after the fall of the Soviet Union faced globalization…

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#29 Contemplation — Discoveries


The project Visual Equilibrium restores the value of the original by defeating the purpose of digital photography’s reproducibility. It aims to fi nd an artistically legitimate way to create a unique (unreproducible) image, still based on the essence of photography…

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#29 Contemplation — Discoveries

Rudolf Skopec

Pískařská 5/2027 is the street address where we find the tangible mass of a garage ventilation shaft. It is a simple grey shape made of rough concrete, which forms the rim of an aperture located in the courtyard of a new block of flats…

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#29 Contemplation — Discoveries

Hilla Kurki

There are only two kinds of stories: from life to death, and from death back to the living. After my sister passed away I felt I was trapped in a limbo in someone else’s afterlife. I did not only lose her, I lost myself…

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#24 Seeing Is Believing — Discoveries

Michael Borek

Kafka’s friend Max Brod said that the 20th century would one day be known as the “century of Kafka.” I believe that he was right, but only partially. He should not have limited his prediction only to the 20th century…

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#24 Seeing Is Believing — Discoveries

Bastienne Schmidt

A German-born immigrant who arrived in the United States years ago at the age of 25, Schmidt explores the ethos of America in relationship to nature as well as the culture’s traditional and contemporary gender roles and in Home Stills…

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#24 Seeing Is Believing — Discoveries

Katarína Hrušková

About the starchy sound potatoes make while peeled. About the slippery surface of a boiled egg underneath the rough surface of a boiled egg, about soap and old skin touching bread. About that which melts on your tongue, but makes your skin sticky…

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#25 Popular Music — Discoveries

Marija Mandić

During the past few years I have worked mainly with photography, drawing, video art and installation. All of these works are based on the idea of intimacy, approached from various aspects and perceptions…

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#25 Popular Music — Discoveries

Tanya Traboulsi

Entitled Lost Strange Things: On not finding home, this body of work brings together the culmination of Tanya Traboulsi’s photographic and artistic research into the question of home, delving in the terrain of nostalgia and belonging through photography…

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#26 Documentary Strategies — Discoveries

Kris Lemsalu

This young woman is full of appearances which are real. Her staged, lifeless corpses sparkle with vitality and her performances are highly charged. Wild and raw, they emerge from a long buried and socially non-identifiable memory where the only trust is placed in the cleverness of the body and its survival instinct…

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#27 Cars — Discoveries

Suzette Bross

The images in my Walks series are formed from 100 steps I took during various walks over several years. I am interested in the multiplicity of images we are inundated with and wanted to create one image out of many…

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#27 Cars — Discoveries

Miroslava Večeřová

Whilst still a student at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Miroslava Večeřová captured attention with her video in which she interrupts a long static shot with an unexpected physical gesture…

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#27 Cars — Discoveries

Alžběta Kočvarová

The photographs in the series Absence jahod lesních a jiné špatné básně / The Absence of Forest Strawberries and Other Bad Poetry by Alžběta Kočvarová (1989) are a good example of the principles she applies in her visual confgurations…

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#28 Cultura / Natura — Discoveries

Tricia Gahagan

A meditation on mundane and fleeting moments, these images uncover paradoxes hidden in plain sight. Each scene is found intuitively, nothing is constructed. Minimalism and formal elements intersect perception with consciousness and darkness with light…

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#28 Cultura / Natura — Discoveries

Jason Larkin

The critical fault-lines dividing Africa’s richest economy have been quietly mounting for years, but they exploded to the surface last August when police massacred 34 striking workers at Marikana and this much ignored landscape briefly captured the world’s attention…

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#28 Cultura / Natura — Discoveries

Beatrix Reinhardt

Pipelines – their construction, operation & routing – have been subjects of tension, contention, even wars. This work investigates the Druschba-Trasse1, a 550 km segment of pipeline built by East Germany that delivers natural gas from Siberia to Europe…

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#23 Artificial Worlds — Discoveries

Iveta Kulhavá

A liminal world. A world between the “here” and “there,” between the inner and the outer, between the close and the distant. We carry boundaries within ourselves by which we demarcate the space between ourselves and others…

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#23 Artificial Worlds — Discoveries

Kasia Klimpel

Each of my two series relates in a different way to the idea of remote space and show my investigation of photography as a medium. The series Relinquishing the Moments to Come (ongoing) consists of still and moving images, made via webcams around the world, in which the camera loses control over itself and the technology becomes visible…

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#23 Artificial Worlds — Discoveries

Petra Hudcová

I am interested in a paradox associated with our perception and experience of the world.

It has to do with our desire to apprehend, grasp and define strong, climactic moments, despite the fact that the experience breaks through our habitual codes that have determined what we have been living before…

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#20 Public Art — Discoveries

Andrew Holligan: Flag

Andrew Holligan’s photographs of national flags fluttering in the rural setting of Southern England offer something intriguing, something different for each viewer to make sense of. He works within a 5km radius of his home and, with flag in hand, surreptitiously stakes his territorial claim…

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#20 Public Art — Discoveries

Marie Quéau: Gojira

I work with the limits of photography, and play with its indicial character. Thus, this work presents images of an island that I have never visited and of which there are only a very few representations…

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#22 Image and Text — Discoveries

Ian Whitmore

Onomasticon is a limited edition artist book project by Ian J. Whitmore. Inspired by a prevailing sense of non-place in contemporary American urban and suburban landscape, Onomasticon presents a new vocabulary for these ubiquitous, yet abstract spaces…

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#22 Image and Text — Discoveries

Nina Schacht

 n this project I am using the poem “graugrüne gier” by Kurt Schwitters and the whole poem is also the title of the project. I am simply visualising the poem line by line. Trying to interpret the words created by Kurt Schwitters and find a visual understanding of them and the way they have been combined…

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#22 Image and Text — Discoveries

Martin Smith

 Once again Martin Smith has created a body of work that poignantly delves into his own psyche. Employing his trademark hand-cut technique, Smith works are imbued with tinges of nostalgia inviting us to look not only into his past, but also our own…

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#21 On Photography — Discoveries

Tereza Zelenková

At the core of my practice I seek to destabilize different subjects by reassessing their potential as metaphors for broader questions surrounding our existence. By looking at things through a prism of art and literature, I attempt to realign their place in the world and open up their potential for meaning…

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#21 On Photography — Discoveries

Veronika Markovičová

Is it enough to make a good picture, 
or is that too little?
Peter Friedl


In this rather extensive series I worked with my insights into photography, looking for both its specific features and the qualities it shares with other art forms, visual as well as otherwise…

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#21 On Photography — Discoveries

Ian van Coller

My artwork has been primarily influenced by my experience of growing up as a white male in South Africa during the apartheid era, and my intent is to explore my own complicity in colonialism, neo-colonialism, and apartheid…

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