Fotograf Magazine

Artist's Books

#41 postdigital photography — Artist's Books

Flower Smuggler

Diana Tamane (born 1986), who is among the most striking artists of the young generation, has gathered renown well beyond her home region of the Baltics. Her book, which was nominated in the Best Debut category at Paris Photo, is an assemblage of the artist’s projects to date…

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#41 postdigital photography — Artist's Books


Photobooks are now a global phenomenon, as attested to by another new publication on the seemingly distant subject of Greenland. This three-hundred-page book contains black-and-white photographs made in this island colony by the Danish traveler John Møller (1867–1935)…

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#36 new utopias — Artist's Books

Pillars of Home

Pillars of Home is a book of ninety-eight instant homemade sculptures, each of which took no longer than thirty minutes to create —the thirty minutes in which a child sleeps and one can rest or work or both at once, which is how this visual game was created…

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