Fotograf Magazine


#46 tourism — Project

Jolana Havelková

At the same time and the same place, I capture tourists who take pictures on their outings and longed-for holidays. I record this process of the creation of memories, always standing as close as possible to the point from which they are photographed…

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#46 tourism — Project

Deana Kolenčiková

This project about the French crépe was created during my residence at the Centre d’art Le Lait in the small city of Albi in the south of France. One significant element accompanying my stay was the strongly bureaucratic reality of the French state…

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#45 hypertension — Project

The Extreme Self: Age of Us

The first book Douglas Coupland, Hans Ulrich Obrist and I made together, entitled The Age of Earthquakes, was our attempt to update Marshall McLuhan’s famous paperback The Medium is the Message from 1967 to 2015, the year our book came out…

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#44 empathy — Project

Marie Lukáčová

Scrambled Eyes is a story rising from the kitchen pot. The series of drawings is a string of visualised wishes, gossip, curses and recipes, and is based on the belief that the kitchen is a site of political drama…

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#44 empathy — Project

Hiep Duong Chi

Když jsem se chtěl stát běláskem (When I Wanted to Become a White Butterfly) is an abridgement of the impressions and hardships I encounter as a descendant of immigrants. Seemingly different from the rest of society, I still have to deal with judgmental looks and prejudices, even though I was born and raised in the Czech Republic…

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#44 empathy — Project


The Non-Normative Bodies project, which looked at the relationship between stress, dance/movement and the human body, began in the summer of 2021 with a small group of volunteers. A variety of movement therapies, such as yoga, intuitive dance, touch therapy, and rave parties, served as a tool to explore the connections between personal experience and the volunteers’ cortisol levels before and after the therapies…

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#42 food — Project

Johana Střížková

Photographs on blogs, in cooking magazines or in cookbooks are meant to entice us. Buy me, cook me, eat me! But before that, arrange me and take a picture – show off how tasty it looks. We create new rituals and traditions around food – and we often don’t need a fellow diner to do so, just a camera…

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#42 food — Project

Patrik Kovačovský

Schőner Wohnen’s modern living and lifestyle magazines from the 1960s and 1970s, with their specific photographic rhetoric, provoked Patrik Kovačovský to intervene artistically in the model visual memory trace of ubiquitous consumerism…

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#41 postdigital photography — Project

Sonja Nilsson

The work series “Visibility is a Trap” is based on stories that revolve around the sociological concept of ‘passing’; the ability of a person to be perceived as a member of an identity group that differs from that of their origin…

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#41 postdigital photography — Project

Oskar Helcel

Oskar Helcel’s diploma project combines two ethically controversial phenomena of the present: the uncontrollable growth of globalized capitalism and the question of our digital identity and its possible misuse…

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#41 postdigital photography — Project

Karel Slach

Despite his lifelong relationship with the analogue camera, Karel Slach (born in Tábor on December 17th 1940), primarily a cameraman and documentary film maker, has, in recent years, found his place in the field of digital photography…

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#40 earthlings — Project

Martin Dušek

The world as museum. Natural sites with entrance fees. No entry beyond the barriers. No tents. Take photographs, don’t touch. No stopping. Where can I rest? The whole city is watching and I feel like I am doing something wrong at every moment…

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#38 death, when you think about It — Project

Dóri Lázár

Knock Knock Knocking on Heaven‘s Door, 2017–ongoing

‘Éden’ in Hungarian translates into ‘paradise/a heavenly place’ in Eng- lish. A number of small mom and pop stores, charming family-owned businesses, pubs and communal spaces like restaurants and bars have this name around the country…

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#38 death, when you think about It — Project

Jana Bernartová

Remediation, RGB Liquid Crystals Cycle, 2017-2018

In the inhumanly fast and distanced world of digital representations, reality disappears in the mirrors and simulacra of media, and the very essence of the art of representation is jeopardized since mediation runs up against simulated symptoms that distort the intentions of original mes- sages…

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#37 uneven ground — Project

Lukáš Hofmann

It’s an epic finale of catholic melod- rama. Lukáš comes very close to me. Pulls my head very close to his ear to see the red light. We both look at each other through one eye at a dis- tance of 3 centimeters…

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#37 uneven ground — Project

Gábor Dóka

This work is a visual diary of my qua- rantine. I intended to showcase the significance of mental health during these times which we all experien- ced. I was quite anxious because of the panic caused by the virus, which was spread and enhanced by the media, from my friends & family…

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#36 new utopias — Project

Markéta Magidová

A short film Releasing Spell, in collaboration with the Jindřich Chalupecký Society, Karina Kottová and 3D animator Sybil Montet, portrays an imaginative ritual celebrating the transformation of a patriarchal world and its representations into a society based on feminist values…

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#36 new utopias — Project

Lenka Glisníková

Gadget Tools is one lineage among the artist’s current projects. Lenka Glisníková introduced the first part of this work—which pushes arranged photography of everyday office use to new forms—in 2019 at the Lítost Gallery and later also as a finalist of the StartPoint Prize…

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#35 living with humans — Project

Max Vajt

In the year 1800, human activity produced around 30 million tons of carbon dioxide a year. A hundred years later, this number has skyrocketed to more than two billion, together with the doubling of the human population…

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#32 non-work — Project

Linear Doom

APART is a Slovak artist cooperative. Today, its members include Denis
Kozerawski (* 1990), Peter Sit (* 1991), Magda Schery (* 1990), and
Andrej Žabkay (* 1987). APART was formed at the turn of 2011 and 2012…

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#31 body — Project

Marie Tučková

Enter seven women, holding their hands; one after another in the formation of snake. Ursula Uwe is the leader. They leave the snake formation and sit cross-legged, singing in unison in a circle:


“Time is not moving faster than the driest river in Mordret; we don’t know how to count time, but we don’t care; we depend only on each other, thinking we’re happy…

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#30 Eye In The Sky — Project

Marie Lukáčová

Marie Lukáčová’s interest in virtual reality and 3D modeling is tightly intertwined with questions and problems of the present. The landscapes or rather landscape-like structures she creates are often inhabited by body-parts…

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#29 Contemplation — Project

Matej Chrenka

Matej Chrenka generally creates his works within the context of two thematic spheres that have long interested him. In the first, cumulatively entitled The Limits of Photography, he focuses on the medium of photography itself; the second, he has formulated as a question: “Does it still make sense to take photos?”, and he tries to find a definitive answer through his own photography…

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#29 Contemplation — Project

Matěj Skalický

Photographer Matěj Skalický draws primarily on his visual intuition and natural sensibility. His theme is the world itself, in its purest form, particularly as it reveals itself in the photographer’s own natural environment – in this case, the landscape and nature, or in a forest or rural dwelling…

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#27 Cars — Project

Jiří Hladík

‘Capturing the moment of an ownership change… (and yes, I really did buy all of those cars…) A group photo is the intersection point of two stories, of two lives. For one it is a farewell, with hopes that his car will be “in good hands” – for the other a moment to celebrate the addition of “a new member of the family”…

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#25 Popular Music — Project

Chaos is the World’s Dominant Force

For several decades, Roger Ballen and his camera have been out and about in the slums of South Africa. Instead of documenting their evolution or the local social issues, however, he has been on the lookout for characters and bizarre still life scenes, which he subsequently stages into a sort of photography of the absurd, sometimes in combination with his drawings…

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#25 Popular Music — Project

Necessary Evil

From the very first day they had the audacity to see themselves as artists. While in 1981 the early American hardcore scene abhorred anything that smacked of high culture, Sonic Youth soaked up the influences of contemporary classical music, which embraced harmonic textures and rhythm rather than melody, and placed these into a rock sensibility…

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#25 Popular Music — Project

Some Incriminating Photographs

We asked five personalities to name photograph(s) that they either consider important for the relationship of music and photography (pointing to a particular or typical aspect of the area in question) or to select a photograph which they feel was personally import ant in terms of their own relationship to music…

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#28 Cultura / Natura — Project

Disruptors of Social Stomach

The survival, and even the evolution of society itself, is possible mainly due to the continuous maintenance of the digestion process and the associated process of fermentation. The following text is an attempt to outline the cultural and political connotations of these processes…

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