Matyáš Chochola
The Eighties As a Lifestyle, a Poster As a Tarot Card
#34 archaeology of euphoria
In stock
- ––– Editorial
- Editorial
- ––– Introduction
- Introduction
- ––– Project
- Matyáš Chochola
- ––– Profiles
- Anetta Mona Chisa a Lucia Tkáčová
- Olof Olsson
- Martin Hrubý
- Svätopluk Mikyta
- Jiří Kovanda
- Christian Lange
- Jan Malý
- Ulrich Wüst
- Dagmar Hochová
- Pavel Jasanský
- Simon Menner
- Marge Monko
- Lukáš Jasanský & Martin Polák
- Chris Niedenthal
- Stephanie Kiwitt
- ––– Interview
- Tomáš Pospěch: An Interview with Vladimír Birgus, Antonín Dufek, and Miro Švolík
- ––– Discoveries
- Viktor Kopasz
- Jakub Geltner
- Gigi Cifali
- ––– Theory
- Human Scale
- Vilém Flusser
- ––– Events
- Jubilee Rencontres d'Arles
- A Special Anniversary
- ––– Fotograf Gallery
- Markéta Othová
- Bastian Schwind
- ––– Reviews
- Dialectics of a Montage-Maker
- Aperture Conversations: 1985 to Present
- From the Prague Uprising to the General Strike
- To See the Statue Means to Create it Again
- The Magic of the Multiplied Image
- #45 hypertension
- #44 empathy
- #43 collecting
- #42 food
- #41 postdigital photography
- #40 earthlings
- #39 delight, pain
- #38 death, when you think about it
- #37 uneven ground
- #36 new utopias
- #35 living with humans
- #34 archaeology of euphoria
- #33 investigation
- #32 Non-work
- #31 Body
- #30 Eye In The Sky
- #29 Contemplation
- #28 Cultura / Natura
- #27 Cars
- #26 Documentary Strategies
- #25 Popular Music
- #24 Seeing Is Believing
- #23 Artificial Worlds
- #22 Image and Text
- #21 On Photography
- #20 Public Art
- #19 Film
- #18 80'
- #17 Amateur Photography
- #16 Photography and Painting
- #15 Prague
- #14 Commerce
- #13 Family
- #12 Reconstruction
- #11 Performance
- #10 Eroticon
- #9 Architecture
- #8 Landscape
- #7 New Staged Photography
- #6 The Recycle Image
- #5 Borders Of Documentary
- #4 Intimacy
- #3 Transforming Of Symbol
- #2 Collective Authorship
- #1 Face