Fotograf Magazine

Artalk Revue

Return [online]

Artalk Revue is a project of considerable ambition by the online review platform It goes well beyond what we might expect from a primarily informative medium. The four reviews published so far are based on the concept of an invited theorist. Two years after the first thematic revue, Těžba (Mining), we arrive at the aptly-named Return, edited by Vjera Borozan. All the texts in the Artalk Revue are available online in both Czech and English. Return focuses on the topic of decolonization and the consequences of imperialist rule. However, the revue does not lose sight of the local context, whose recent history is taken up by Pavel Barša. Jan Sowa, a critic working in postcolonial studies and identity politics, also discusses the Central European situation. Theorist and curator Denise Ferreira da Silva presents a deeper analysis of the links between two current crises—ecology and migration.

Artalk Revue: Návrat (Return) [online]. Prague: Artalk, 2020, 4 (winter). Available at: artalk-revue/

Tereza Rudolf