Fotograf Magazine

Daniel Mirer

Grey matters

When conjuring an image of a modern structure, which aspects of its design come to mind? In all likelihood, they are the elements which separate the building from its surroundings, rather than those the all have in common. Falling beyond our range of vision, the most utilized areas of a building – tunnels, entrances, parking lots, lobbies, alleyways – are the blind spots of our environment, having been eliminated from our immediate range of vision. Despite (and perhaps due to) their nature, it is these forgotten and inconspicuous passageways that Daniel Mirer brings into full view in his photographs-poignantly revealing these unconsciously ’deleted areas’ of our everyday built surroundings. In so doing, he is able to give distinct form to the stark and ghostly nature of in-between spaces, and communicate the quiet discomfort they evoke in the visitor and observer alike.

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#9 Architecture


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