Fotograf Magazine

Interview with eeefff (Dzina Zhuk and Nicolay Spesivtsev)

More Digital Utopias!

What does eeefff mean and what is the scope of interests of this artistic group?

Dzina Zhuk (DZ): It is the name of a light grey and violet transparent colour in the colour schemes used for websites. The colour is the first thing you see when you enter “eeefff” into Google. When we were looking for a name, we tried to think of something that would let us hide behind an existing structure, if necessary.

Nicolay Spesivtsev (NS): You hide behind a ton of network garbage, like behind a curtain. Eeefff could be the name of a Wi-Fi network… DZ: Under the collective name of eeefff, we test various scenarios of technological development that we declare a field of conflict and struggle. We experiment with various models of building the future and operate at the intersection of urban culture, digital infrastructure, and the interaction of human and non-human actors and the ambition horizons of those who work in immaterial production. We combine artistic methods, computer science and science fiction, narrativization, and intervention. The exchange of experience among the participants in the process is important to us, so we develop tools and open source. We also organise parties, exploration trips and picnics. We are based in Moscow and Minsk, so you could say that we work on two fronts.

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#30 eye in the sky