Fotograf Magazine

Petr Willert

Life-style: hunting the grandmother, hunting the cat

The photographs of Petr Willert (born 1981), although created only in the last few years, already represent a peculiar phenomenon. If on the small area of the Bruntál region, Jindřich Štreit to some degree lives up to his statement, that the “village is the world”, and similarly, Viktor Kolář has already for five decades provided testimony of human existence in the Ostrava area, to the generation-younger Petr Willert, who lives nearby, such a multilayered microcosm is found in his grandmother’s two-room apartment in a tower block of flats. Throughout his entire course of study at the Studio of Advertising Photography at the School of Multimedia Communications of Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín he pursued, with something akin to obstinacy, photographing portraits of his grandmother or her friends, details of said interior, or the handmade items crafted by the grandmother – gloves, scarves and slippers knitted from the colorful thread taken from unraveled sweaters. He “uses” his grandmother for compulsory school assignments, as well as for free themes and in the development of his “extracurricular” work.

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