Fotograf Magazine

the union of european photography festivals

The Inaugural Meeting of the Photo Festival Union was held on September 29 and 30, 2005 in Lodz, Poland.

During the meeting, the directors and representatives of the member festivals signed a common declaration and made plans regarding the future of the PFU. The next edition of the Photo Festival Union will be held in Rome, under the directorship of the FotoGrafia – International Festival of Photography.

Within the first three days, several hundred people visited the exhibition Creators of European Photography, which was held to accompany the meeting. The exhibition consisted of the photographs presented at various festivals. In order to see the same photos elsewhere, one would have to visit 15 festivals in 13 countries.

The PHOTO FESTIVAL UNION takes its place among the largest photography festivals in Europe. PFU gives its members the possibility to meet experienced organizers and curators from other countries, in order to share experiences and new ideas. It provides a means of promoting international festivals as well as for artists. Visit our website at to find out more.
The next meeting of members of the PHOTO FESTIVAL UNION will take place in April 2006 in Rome, during the FotoGrafia – International Festival of Photography.

joanna studzińska