Fotograf Magazine

Ivars Gravlejs

Man without a Camera

At first glance it may seem that Ivars Gravlejs is a photographer who is mainly interested in photographers and their cameras. This is seen in his older works, such as Excuse me, could you photograph me? (2005), when he had random passersby photograph him while secretly filming them as they did. (The resulting documentation was displayed in public at the same spot where the particular event took place.) The series of photographs The Medium is the Message (2008) captures high-quality cameras accompanied by a listing of technical parameters. Ivars himself often speaks with irony about this work, stating that only photographers themselves may evaluate it in full scope. One way or another, the resulting photographs of most of Ivars’ projects are but dull, irritating exhibition necessities, referring to the process or method by which they were created.

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#17 Amateur Photography