Fotograf Magazine

Lev Manovich

Personal Become Public

“It’s a new way to see the world.” [ref] Instagram. [online]. 28.3.2014 [cit. 2014-03-28]. Available at:[/ref] declares the closing line of a short informative text about Instagram, available on-line for those who wish to find out about the way the application works. Surprisingly, the message conveyed by this commercial slogan, designed to motivate potential users to join Instagram, has been validated by some empirical findings generated by a project called Phototrails. The project is based on visualising a great amount of data; in this particular case as many as 2.3 million photographs shared via Instagram in 13 different cities around the globe. The outcome presents aggregate visual patterns of the individual cities composed out of tens of thousands of snapshots.

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#23 artificial worlds

#23 artificial worlds