Fotograf Magazine

Nadav Kander

Pozorování fotografií, které pozorují

The moment of looking at a photograph is an act of infiltrating the artist’s presence, to the environment and thoughts, which are tied to a personal world. Besides these aspects photography is a non-handicraft, serially reproducable medium, as well as industrial design. The model (or the shot created by the photographer) enters into circulation in various forms and for varying purposes. Watching through the camera we double our curiosity – in a portrait we show a man his face, which he cannot see in other ways than in a mirror or in technical images, in places photographs create a desire for accessibility for something distant to us, it arouses an enthusiasm for discovering the unknown. Discovering the hidden or the unseen is also an important theme for photographer, Nadav Kander.

All reproductions: © Nadav Kander, Courtesy of Flowers Gallery,

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