Fotograf Magazine

Jindřich Štreit

The Fateful 1980's

At present we can already claim in retrospect that the 1980’s represent an exceptional time period in Jindřich Štreit’s artistic work (as well as a time of significant production); a time bordered by two important events. At the start of the 1980’s, photographer Jindřich Štreit already had a fairly clearly defined direction for his documentary creations and had already experienced his first successes and confirmations of the correctness of this path. For the local patriot from the Bruntál area and a man who was actually and spiritually closely linked to the land of his predecessors, the microcosm of his North Moravia village was a place where his life played out, from which sort of today world-known phenomena naturally “jumped out.” These are ones that Jindra from Sovinec tirelessly recorded. A breakthrough came in 1982 with his firm and quick reflection on the verdict that read: disgracing the republic and the state…

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#18 80′