Fotograf Magazine

Filip Cenek & Tereza Sochorová

Most of Filip Cenek’s pieces do not get to be seen in permanent form, even if they are based on the same photographs, videos and animations, or a unifying literary fragment. Their installations, unique in relation to “finite” spaces, promote an effect of estrangement for both the author and the viewer. In such cases, the process of the visitor’s perception and experience unravels like the repeated readings of one text. As if based on the artist’s intentions, some of the works seem to neither never start nor never end. Filip Cenek also evolves this quality of variegated views of the resulting work when he co-operates with other artists. A dual view of content – i.e. the thinking through of non-linear plot layers composed of photographs and title images – has most often been the result from his meetings with Tereza Sochorová.

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#19 Film